This vintage at Attems promises balance, rich aromas and freshness

If we were two sum up the latest vintage at Attems in just a couple of words, we wouldn’t have any doubt: balance and temperature excursions. But what does this imply for our wines?
This spring was particularly cool – especially May, and all across Italy – which meant that the vegetative cycle started a little later, compared to the past few vintages. The summer was balanced, with no case for water stress. This allowed the grapes in the vineyards of Attems to mature gradually and in a balanced way, and promises us full-bodied and balanced wines.
Another aspect that was particularly favourable for our white wines was given by the strong temperature excursions between day and night that occurred around harvest time: in the early days of September, when harvest was reaching its climax, cold nights followed hot days. What does it mean? Temperature excursions allowed the grapes to fully develop their aromas, and allowed us to bring very cool grapes to the cellar, after harvest, which is crucial so as to preserve those aromas even during the fermentation.
As usual per us, we picked the grapes in progression, starting with Sauvignon and Pinot Grigio. On top of lab tests, we used a much more important test that is based on the experience of our team: tasting. It’s a test based on the crunchiness of the grapes, on their aromatic intensity on top of on the balance between sugars and acids. This test is so important that, when we knew harvest time was approaching, both in the vineyards of Collio and in those of Isonzo we tasted the grapes daily.
The last grapes we picked were those of Ribolla Gialla for our Trebes (link). In this case, given the short maceration on the skins that would follow, we removed some of the leaves from the grapes, so as to increase their exposure to the sun and help them ripen perfectly.
And now that all the grapes are in the cellar, it is here that we will focus our efforts in the coming months.